FireHawk's School of Wiccan Pursuasion

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Merry Meet and Welcome

Merry Meet is a traditional greeting in the Earth-based Religion world that merely means "hello with opened arms and fellowship". This site is dedicated to teaching the simplistic nature of earth-based religion, it's importance and place in the workings of the world, and its practicality in the pursuit of the enlightenment associated with the cycles and symbology of the Earth, Sun, Moon, and their interactions and influence on creatures that roam it, animals and humans alike.

Remember the feeling within you the last time you were outside on a moonlit night, under the stars? Or the feeling you get when you are in a dusty old attic with antique items surrounding you? Perhaps you are interested in ghost stories, or just looking for something different. Perhaps you feel like you have a void in your life in the path of religion, not wanting to pursue the main stream. This is a move towards the natural. That feeling you ALREADY have within. It is about unlocking what is already there. Wicca and Shamanism do not seek to convert. They do not require you to surrender your consciousness or your soul.  They are about learning the HARMONY within yourself and others; living in peace with the elements and finding solice in the cycles of the Earth, seeds, Sun, Moon, and nature. This feels right. And therefore is. 

Your personal little Secret

History has lent itself to Earth-Based Religions having to be "underground" information. This has changed but only if you want it to. We are in a New Age where we do not have to live in fear of our beliefs when they are not "mainstream". It doesn't matter anymore since most do not have to live in fear or consequence when their religious beliefs are something other than "typical". Peer or family pressures do exist however so there are still a large number of people who practise "underground". But In the last 10 years, the shear number of practisers have increased over 10,000 percent. This is a new world, one of acceptance and varying culture. With online capability, we are able to communicate principles and concepts "facelessly"; and this has precipitated more information being spread and more people coming to this path of revelation.

Beware of Fluff, Power Trippers, Title Seekers and Platter Wearers

Just like the other religions and paths, there are people who follow paths of religion zealously, maliciously, and with wrong intentions. A word of caution: There are many people out there who profess to be of Wiccan or Shamanistic mind who are merely seeking a title, power, money or sex. Due to the Ecclectic nature of pure earth-based religions, there is room for different interpretations of what the Definition of Wicca, Witchcraft, Shamanism, etc. is.  I beckon you to keep things simple. Beware of the people who tell you that you have to follow a certain set of rules to be initiated into this path. There is no hierarchy required to pursue what is already inside you. Some paths are covenistic. Some paths are solitary. Some paths are neither. Walk your new path without fear. Just be aware there are people out there that want to complicate the natural course of what defines Wicca to each of us. Some wear clothing or jewelry that is dark or "evil" and present themselves as being a "witch". Wicca is not about shock value. I invite you to peruse these pages as they develop. I welcome input from all levels. Together we can build an information resource that could prove useful to other "lost souls" searching for their natural path.




Please Submit Questions or Earth-based Religion Information to Firehawk at this email: